Supplementary Work

Requesting ADA Accommodations

This inclusive VYOND video was created for companies to quickly (2:45) tell employees how to request accommodations and give examples of reasonable accommodations that the company can provide.

Tools Used: VYOND

Obstacles: Layering multiple character animations and movements, props, lip-syncing, camera movement and masking were used.

Better Onboarding Tips in CAMTASIA

This short Camtasia video was created for organizations to re-think their current onboarding processes and procedures. Adult learning theories are woven into the 5 I's of Onboarding to provide systems that will attract and retain top employees.

Tools Used: Camtasia by Techsmith (trial version, has watermark) and Canva

Obstacles: Timing, multiple tracks used, lower thirds with animation, circle movement animations, zoom/pan features, and fade transitions were used.

Slider Feature in RISE

This course was created as a supplement for my LinkedIn profile to showcase a new skill of using Javascript as well as including a Storyline block in RISE 360°.

Tools Used: Javascript, RISE 360°, Storyline 360°, Canva & Powerpoint

Highlights: Notice the sliding interactivity under activity #2. Javascript was used to maneuver two photographs to appear like they are on a slider. This was accomplished in Storyline and integrated into the RISE block.

Data-Centric Infographic in PIKTOCHART

This infographic was designed to provide visual backing for a department looking to increase its budget and team size based on the data collected.

Tools Used: Piktochart

Obstacles: Gathering accurate data from SME's due to the confidential nature of the information being collected.

Video Compilation- Fun Project

This music video was created as a fun project to combine creative efforts from my photography/video taking, my cousin's digital music abilities and my daughter's original song.

Tools Used: Windows Media Player

Obstacles: Timing the videos and photos to the music and adding so much desired content into a short 1-minute music clip. Deciding what 1-2 second clip to use from multiple, long videos.

Quiz Interactive Session in KAHOOT

This quiz was designed to bring colleagues together before meetings in a fun and interactive way. It helped them to learn more about one another, thus connecting "by the water cooler" later and having conversation starters.

Tools Used: KahootIt

Highlights: Finding an activity and questions that were fun and appropriate.

Travel Blog Site in WORD PRESS

This travel blog was created to be a multi-faceted tool- a blog to inform the family of our travels, an academic resource for the kids to practice their writing and publishing skills, and also a permanent record of the life-changing trip.

Tools Used: Word Press, Padlet, Canva, Google Map

Highlights: Integrations of data, map points, and social media